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PETKIT Go 智能狗狗牽引繩連替換繩

價格: $340$400
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加


PETKIT Go 智能狗狗牽引繩連替換繩

PETKIT GO 採用插扣式牽繩設計,整組分為手把和牽繩兩部分,除了除了附帶的基本款牽繩外,另可依據需求添購強度更高或具彈性的牽繩款式。同時牽繩部分採用可更換式設計,也能視出門的穿著進行搭配,有了視覺上的美感,讓散步心情更加愉悅。

而 PETKIT GO 最具特色之處,在於手把部分整合了多項功能,握把前端嵌入兩顆 LED 燈,當夜間帶愛犬散步時,為你輔助前方照明之用;同時握把周圍有著環形 LED 燈,能閃爍發光提升行走間的安全性,有鑑於上班族大多在晚上才有時間帶狗狗出門,這項貼心設計顯得相當實用。

在智能連結部分,PETKIT GO 手把內藏藍牙模組,使用者能透過專屬 app 連線,當散步時手機有來電便會透過手把附帶震動組件的進行通知,讓手機能安心置於口袋中;而且專屬 app 具備路線紀錄機能,可經由手機衛星定位標記出每天散步的路徑與時間,無論是帶著寵物探索新的城市路線,或是替自己紀錄每天活動量帶來延伸應用。


Introducing The PETKIT GO Bluetooth enabled smart leash. Simply install the PETKIT GO Application on all IOS and Android devices and pair with your smart phone. Once paired, the handle vibrates when receiving Notifications, Emails, Texts and incoming calls. Users can set a walking timer on their smartphone device and once the desired time is reached feel the vibration of the handle. Using MAPS this device tracks your actual walking route history on your smart phone. Users can also share their completed walking distances and roadmaps with loved ones and friends. The GO Leash also allows users to Pin Drop and share their location with a click of a button located above the handle. No need for batteries, simply re-charge this device via USB and showcases battery life on your smart phone. The Go Smart leash also features dual sided banded LED lights that are smart phone enabled and light intervals are controlled to 3 different settings of light and users can set a timer from their smart device to when they'd like these lights to automatically turn on and how they'd turn on. If you're still not impressed, the GO leash features an additional super powerful frontal LED light that turns on by the click of a button located in front of the handle, great during night safety visibility. Features an ergonomic grip composed of soft rubber for superb handling and comfort. Comes with an included Tai-Chi leash that is composed of stretchable Nylon and built-to-last. The leash component buckles and snaps into place right into the GO handle like a seat-buckle, capable of withstanding over 1 full ton of pressure. Finally a device that tracks walking distances, times and walking routes for both dog and human health tracking. Additional color leash options are sold separately. Available in Multiple Colors.

ITEM DIMENSIONS: LEASH: 48 IN - 53 IN when stretched. HANDLE: Length 4.64 x Width 1.00 x Height 4.8

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