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VetPRO Mother Nature's Milk 200g

VetPRO 貓狗保健品 寵物媽媽奶 200g (VP_M)

價格: $278$327
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加


VetPRO 貓狗保健品 寵物媽媽奶 200g (VP_M)

新生貓狗需倚賴貓媽媽和狗媽媽的母乳取得所有營養,以求發育成長。 VetPRO+™「Mother Nature's Milk 寵物媽媽奶」為幼犬和幼貓的獨特需要而設計,為牠們提供最接近母乳的代用奶粉。 Mother Nature's Milk is formulated to mimic the macro and micronutrients found in the mother's milk. It is essential to provide baby animals with the right level of nutrition to prevent developmental issues that can impact the quality of life as an adult. The proteins in our formula contains the 20 essential amino acids, all in the perfect ratios required for the development of muscle, hair and skin. 90% 宏量營養素 提供組成骨骼肌肉、毛髮、皮膚的必須營養 10% 微量營養素 增強免疫力、支持正常生長和發育 接近真正貓狗母乳 高蛋白支持成長發育

PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop